Foaz after his first peer to peer coaching session.
“So, this was my first time trying out the peer coaching and I felt that it was very giving. In some ways it was very nice to to be listened to and to listen and that we had clear rules about how the how the meeting was supposed to be. That made it a lot easier to just ventilate and talk about your feelings and how you are going through things without feeling the pressure of someone asking questions or coming with advice. For me, I thought that was very valuable.”
FoazCo-Founder, Sports For Good Future
Max van der Mars
Tove Nilstun
Elin Scotford
Maximilian Pangerl
Co-owner Pieter Pot | Founder Skosh
Max on listening skills as a new manager.
“It was super insightful what I learned throughout the peer-to-peer coaching. I really took that into my work, coaching towards my employees but also co-founders.
And I think one of the biggest things is listening. It’s okay to be silent and just let someone speak and not always have to ask a lot of follow-up questions, and often biased follow-up questions.
And then, on being the coachee, I think I also developed myself personally on opening up and and speaking about my emotions, but also the issues and the challenges I have in my my head. I am normally someone who likes to deal with my challenges by myself. I don’t really speak a lot about it, because I think I can deal with it myself and I don’t need other people for it. But now, I started to talk with a lot more people.”
CEO, The Ontology Way
Tove on peer to peer coaching for entrepreneurs
“Being a coach and being a coachee is actually something that is very hassle-free, very accessible. And I think that is the true force of this, because everyone needs it.
Everyone has some hiccup and and this is a wonderful tool to get help and get past them and learn and evolve, so thank you”
Co-Founder, Inclusive Views
Elin about timeboxing as a help not to listen too much.
“Yeah, I think my experience is a little bit different from Max’s. I’ve been really open with emotions all my life basically. I’ve had super personal discussions with people and I kind of get to that point very quickly with people. People like opening up to me even when it’s not really welcome.
So for me this has been a way to kind of make it more professional and time efficient like you said.
And starting a company, building a company culture and all that, you kind of need to add that level of professionalism to your talks, or coaching or whatever, so I really appreciate it in that sense. That we’ve set the framework around these kind of discussions, that I think will be super helpful.”
Co-Founder, Cohabit | Business Development, Win
Maximilian about peer to peer coaching in general.
“It’s really about discovering my own emotions in the decision-making processes, where there’s still like a little bit of resistance, or where there are challenging emotions, where something needs to be addressed and done in the future. I think that has helped me a lot in making more people-centric decisions.
And being aware of like where there might be conflicts, but resolving the conflicts in a way that’s grounded in appreciation. So, this is really what peer coaching has taught me.”